10 Best Biceps workout for bigger arms

10 Best Biceps workout for bigger arms

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The most attractive parts of men body is arms and chest. The well shaped and bigger arms and chest build a sexiest look among the guys. Almost all the boys and men in the gym are concentrating the best biceps workout. Biceps is the one of the visible part of the body and found to be the sexiest muscle groups. So here we give you some best biceps workout for the bigger arms for fitness freaks.


Barbell is the one of the gym equipment commonly used for chest, arm and squat exercises. It can be used for other exercises too. Barbell is equipment consist an iron bar and some weight plates. We can add the weight place both sides of the bar equally and lock it up. Now the barbell is ready to use. We can use barbell curls as one of the best biceps workout for bigger arms

How to do barbell curls?

Lift the barbell slowly from the ground without giving more strain to your back. The weight of the barbell should be concentrated in the arms not in the shoulders. The arms should be outside of the hip edge and the grip should be perfect. Now lift the barbell up without much movement in the elbows. You have to lift the barbell upto to the shoulder height and squeeze the biceps muscles there. Then slowly lift down the barbell down upto your hip level. Again repeat the steps for 10 times. Don’t be in rush, slow and steady wins the race. Don’t use the help of your hips to lift the barbell which will reduce the contraction of muscles in the biceps which will reduce the effective results.

Barbell curl: 12 rep & 4 sets


You need a dumbbell for doing a concentration curl. Concentration curl is one of the best biceps workout that makes your muscle fiber bigger and stronger.

How to do concentration curls?

Take a dumbbell which has a suitable weight that you can lift. Sit on a bench and spread your legs, hold the dumbbell between your legs. Keep your elbow on the thigh for stabilizing it. Now lift the dumbbell by curl and concentrate the weight of the dumbbell on your bicep muscle group. Squeeze the bicep muscle at top of the curl and lower the dumbbell slowly to the original position. Repeat this step slowly and nicely.

Concentration curl: 12 rep & 3 sets


10 Best Biceps workout for bigger arms

Pushups are the basic exercise for the fitness oriented people to maintain their body. All of us know about the pushups and how to do it. But still there are mistakes in the correct form of pushups. The wrong form of the pushups will create serious muscles injuries for the future. So as a workout learner, you should also learn about pushups too.

How to do pushups for biceps muscles?

Place your both hands on the floor with the exact position of shoulder ends. And straighten your body by putting your weights on your hands and toes. The only body part which touches the floor should be your palm and toes. Now lower your body towards the floor without change in the posture of the body, body should be in straight position. Lower the body by folding the hands and concentrate the weight on the biceps. Then push the body up to the original position and repeat this step. Never bend your body while doing pushups.

Pushups: 20 reps & 3 sets


You need an EZ-Bar and a sloping bench or a preacher bench to do the ez-bar preacher curl. It hits the targeted biceps muscle groups by doing this best workout for the biceps.

How to do ez-bar preacher curl?

Take the dumbbell and rest the upper arm on the preacher bench. Now place the knee of the arm on the preacher for the stability and lift the dumbbell by curling towards the shoulder. Don’t move your knee and focus on the curls. Squeeze the bicep muscle at the top of the curl and slowly curl down the dumbbell to the bench. Then repeat the step slowly for better results. If you don’t have a preacher bench, you can do it on any bench having 45 degree bench.

Ez Bar Preacher Curl: 12 rep & 4 sets


10 Best Biceps workout for bigger arms

All you need to do this bicep workout is just a dumbbell and a bench that can be foldable. This bicep exercise will make the biceps more strong and look sexy.

How to do dumbbell preacher curl?

Place the forearm on the inclined bench holding the dumbbell. Fix the elbow on the bench without any movement and lift the dumbbell by squeezing the biceps muscles slowly and give the tension to the muscle group throughout the workout. Now lift down the dumbbell slowly to the original position. Take care of the tension of the muscles throughout the biceps workout.

Dumbbell preacher curl: 12 reps & 3 sets


Dumbbell curl is the simplest bicep exercise in the world that gives you the biceps bigger. It is the beginner exercise for the gym guys who started the workout very shortly. Even this workout is simple and beginner, this is the effective bicep exercise.

How to do dumbbell curl?

Grab a pair of the dumbbells and let it hang on the sides of the body. Hold it grip in your hands; now lift the dumbbells by curling by facing the forearm towards your face. Curl up with slow pace and squeeze the bicep muscle at the shoulder position and bring the dumbbells to the original position. Don’t move the arm backward or towards for the power to lift the dumbbells.

Dumbbell curl: 12 reps & 4 sets


It is the variation of the dumbbell curl. Hammer curl is more effective muscle growth. All you need is a pair of dumbbell and can be done at home itself.

How to do hammer curl?

Grab a pair of dumbbell and hang it on the sides of your body by your palms facing towards both your thighs. Now lift the dumbbells and curl it up. Press the muscles at the shoulder level and take a pause. Now release the concentration and bring back the dumbbell to the original position.

Hammer curl: 10 reps & 4 sets


Boys, you have finished the barbell curls very effectively. The next best biceps workout is cable curl as like as the barbell curls. From my own experience in the gym bicep workouts, I felt that cable curls is the top bicep workout that pumps out the bicep muscle as soon as the workout finishes. And it is easier to do and get more results.

How to do cable curl?

In gyms, the machine for the cable curl is used for this bicep workout. Grab the holder of the cable curl with two hands firmly in the standing position. Now you have to lean forward a little bit for more concentration on the bicep muscle. Slowly lift the holder of cable machine towards the shoulder part and squeeze the bicep muscle and stops for a while. Now slowly lift down the holder of the cable to the position where we started. The lift up and lift down of the cable should be slowly like a rhythm. You have to increase the weights of the cable curl for each set.

Cable Curl: 3 sets and 12 reps

Note: You can try something more with the cable curl for more results. We call it as ‘superset workout’ in the best biceps workout for bigger arms. We will do 12 reps in each sets of the normal cable curl; in superset workout we will reduce the repetitions to half, which means 6 repetitions. In first set, lift up the extra maximum weight you can lift and complete the 6 reps and lower one weight plate and repeat the 6. Like these, reduce the weight after completing the each set and repeat the workout till the last weight. This workout will be you instant results than the regular workout for biceps.


Pull up have the benefits all almost all the workout; we can call it as a complete workout. The biceps muscles, back muscles, shoulder muscles and the core muscles will be more strength. Pull up means pulling up the body

How to do pull-ups?

Hold the pull-up bar at the height and pull your body up to the bar without any support except the arms. Concentrate the power on your arms. Hold the body at the position of the bar for a while and pull down your body in the hanging position. Remember the position of the palm to be faced to your face while holding the pull up bar. It is the effective way to build the bicep muscles more.

Pull ups: 15 reps & 3 sets


In the machine of the cable curl, we can do the rope curl which is the best bicep workout at the last of the gym session. Connect the V shaped rope to the cable machine and use it as the rope curl. Rope curl will give you the benefits of the cable curl and hammer curl. Rope curl will make the bicep muscle stronger and forearm bigger. Rope curl is the one of best biceps workout that gives results both in biceps and forearm muscles.

How to do rope curl?

Connect the V shaped rope to the cable machine and fill the suitable weight that you can lift. Hold the V shaped rope in two hands and stand straightly. Now lift up the rope towards the shoulder level and squeeze the biceps muscles and relax. Now lift down the rope back to its original position. Repeat the steps as per the instructions of the gym coach.

Rope Curl: 3 sets & 10 reps

These are the 10 best biceps workout for bigger arms. You can make bigger arms by doing these workouts in frequent intervals. If you do these biceps workouts regularly without any excuse, there will be visible results within 7 days. Remember the slogan of fitness freaks “No gain without pain” “Hit harder for a better tomorrow”.

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Every gym persons are searching for biceps workouts and every tip to get mass on biceps muscles. They are ready to do anything to get mass in biceps. Some of them are worried about the low mass in the biceps and searching in Google about bicep workout for mass. Here I can share some of the bicep workout for mass. The best biceps workout for bigger arms is the article that describes the exercises that you can achieve mass in the biceps muscles. If you get any visible results from these workouts, don’t forget to share this post and recommend it to your friends.




Most of the people have a misunderstanding that we can only build muscles at gyms or fitness centers. I inform you that you can build muscles even at home by following some steps and workouts. I described 10 killer bicep workouts in this article. Among this exercises there are biceps workout at home, you can build biceps at home

Push ups

Pull Ups

Dumbbell curl

Concentration Curl

Hammer Curl




There are so much bicep exercises with dumbbells to do in gymnasium or at home. You can make bigger biceps with dumbbell workouts. The above written posts have more than 3 exercises that teach you the bicep exercises with dumbbells. All you need to do is just read it carefully and practice it regularly

Dumbbell Preacher Curl

Hammer Curl

Dumbbell Curl

Concentration Curl




All the workouts for biceps detailed above is concentrated more for the men and gym boys. Even though girls and women can also follow bicep exercises with low weights. It will increase their body shape and burn the fat. Men can make their body a well shaped and muscular look by following this biceps workout




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